Partners Season 1 Episode 6

If you haven’t seen this show you’re missing a lot.

Each week this show keeps coming up with simple little stories that are just hilarious.

This week Joe and Louis hired Wyatt as their temp secretary. Joe was completely against this and Louis did it anyways.

Joe said that Wyatt would annoy Louis and Louis said Wyatt would be perfect. Well they were both right.

Joe absolutely loved Wyatt and Louis was absolutely annoyed by him.

Louis should think about not lying to Wyatt so much, that’s the only reason he was getting so annoyed. Louis told Wyatt that he doesn’t eat meat during the week and wanted to eat healthy, so Wyatt was enforcing that.

Then when Louis couldn’t take it any long he asked Joe to fire him. So Joe did. Then Louis hired him back, but Louis finally was honest to Wyatt. Is Louis growing? Maybe it was just a momentarily lapse in judgement.

Louis definitely doesn’t understand the meaning of win-win. He just understands winning himself, but Joe got him back in the end and managed to calm Ali down in the process.

Ali was putting on a little party for her store and her cater-waiter broke his hands, the one that Louis had hired, and she was freaking out. So Joe hired Louis and Joe received his win-win.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Partners Season 1 Episode 4

Partners just keeps getting funnier and funnier.

The writers keep coming up with these simple but good story lines.

This week we found out that Louis had a key to Joe’s apartment, but Ali did not.

This doesn’t actually come as a surprise.

I thought it was such a good little storyline.

Michael Urie was hilarious as he was freaking out about losing his key to Joe’s apartment. It was like they were breaking-up, it was so cute.

I really liked the emphasis of the two we’s throughout the episode.

This week we got to see more of Sophia Bush than Brandon Routh, which I enjoyed thoroughly, but I do like Wyatt as well.

I loved how Ali freaked out that Louis barged in, but she didn’t even bother putting a shirt on. The boundaries of these three relationships are so complicated.

Louis and Joe are trying to keep their overly strong bond going and Ali and Wyatt are trying to have relationships with them in spite of their attachment to each other. It’s proving to be difficult.

I loved that Wyatt knew that Louis was still drinking and eating meat. It shows why they are together. Wyatt and Louis seem so different, but they know each other so well. Sometimes I wonder how Wyatt can put up with Louis. Now I know that Wyatt loves Louis for who he is.

The writers are doing an amazing job so far.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Partners Season 1 Episode 3

Ask and you shall receive. Last week I asked for more Sophia Bush and this week I got it.

Ali seemed a little less like Brooke Davis this week. Ali is brilliant, to tell Joe that she slept with Justin Timberlake to test him. She knew that in a game of celebrity that Louis would cave because he always has to win and he did just that.

I think that a fight between Ali and Joe about Joe telling Louis everything was appropriate, but I’m glad that Ali has accepted it. In real life I think that Ali should have fought harder, but I love seeing Louis getting involved in Ali and Joe’s relationship.

Wyatt is a strange character. How do you not know about celebrities? You don’t have to know about all of them, but you should at least know some. I guess he’s not as bad as he thinks though, since when he partnered with Joe he was able to get some of the celebrities.

I like the Joe and Louis, the Ali and Louis and the Joe and Wyatt chemistry, but it was nice to see Joe and Ali together more and Wyatt and Louis together. I want to know about their relationships more and not just how Joe and Louis meddle with each other’s relationships.

I loved seeing the whole cast together. Game night was hilarious. I want to see more episodes like this. There was a little bit of the whole cast together in the first episode and I really liked that, but last week the cast was separated.

Sophia Bush has been very good at the comedy so far. Brooke did make us laugh from time to time, but her character had more serious story lines. This time Sophia gets to have some fun. I look forward to seeing more of her.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Partners Season 1 Episode 2

David Krumholtz and Michael Urie are hilarious together. Joe and Louis fight like they’re brothers and I can’t stop laughing.

They really are good to each other as well. I think Louis went a little bit over the line though, especially with talking to Ali about her and Joe’s sex life, but in the end Louis made Joe happy.

I think it’s funny that Ali is engaged to Joe, but we see Ali and Louis together more. I definitely like the chemistry between Sophia Bush and Urie, but shouldn’t Bush have more screen time with her character’s fiance? Just a thought. Wyatt also seems to have more time on screen with Joe.

It might just have been the episode, since the episode was about Joe and Louis helping each other out with thier significant others.

We got to know Joe, Louis and Wyatt more in this episode, but we didn’t really get to know Ali much more. It could be just me, since I’m still seeing a lot of Brooke Davis in Ali. Ali is not Brooke, but I can’t help but see her as Brooke.

I like Wyatt, he’s funny without even trying. I wonder if he was more outwardly emotional before he was sobre.

I want to see more of Bush. I really want to get to know her new character. I’m so happy she was able to snag a new role so quickly, but I want her to have more screen time.

I realize the main characters of the show are Joe and Louis, but the writers can easily make Ali and Wyatt main characters too. At the moment Ali and Wyatt are more supporting characters, though we do see more of Wyatt than we do Ali.

Will we see more of Ali next week? I really hope so.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Sophia Bush is Back With New Comedy

We may not get to see Sophia Bush play Brooke Davis anymore, but we can still see her every week.

Bush’s new series premiered on Monday and her character reminds me a little of Brooke, but at the same time I don’t feel like her character is Brooke. I think I’ve just seen her as Brooke for so long that it’s going to take a few episodes to get use to her new role.

Bush plays Ali, she is dating Joe who is played by David Krumholtz (Numb3rs). Joe’s best friend and business partner, Louis, is played by Michael Urie (Ugly Betty) and Louis’s boyfriend, Wyatt, is played by Brandon Routh (Superman Returns).

Joe and Louis grew up with each other and are practically a couple themselves. At the end of the episode Ali said to Wyatt: there are four people at this table, but there are three couples. I think that says a lot about the show dynamic.

I foresee Wyatt and Ali leaning on each other when they are having difficulty dealing with the Joe and Louis relationship.

Louis seems like he’s going to be the antagonist of the group. Anything that happens he seems to make it all about him. When Joe’s relationship falls apart it’s all about oh my god Louis just ruined his best friends life.

Louis tells Ali that Joe isn’t ready for marriage, thinking that Joe had broken up with her the night before. Louis then finds out that Joe proposed to her. Ali then goes and breaks it off with Joe. Louis in the end begs Ali to take Joe back. Louis even got down on his knee and asked her to marry Joe.

I think that we will see Louis do a lot of idiotic things like this in the future and I look forward to it.

I’m very happy that Bush is back on TV. I miss Brooke Davis, but she can’t play the same character forever. I look forward to getting to know Ali.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

One Tree Hill’s Sophia Bush is Moving to CBS

fastfoodjunkie | photobucket.comSophia Bush will be returning to TV this fall with her new show Partners. fastfoodjunkie |

Sophia Bush will be returning to TV this fall with her new show Partners. fastfoodjunkie |

Sophia Bush will be returning to TV this fall on CBS.

According to TV Guide, the network picked-up the comedy Partners for the 2012-2013 season.

This half-hour comedy is from the creators of Will and Grace: Max Mutchick and David Kohan.

The story takes a similar angle to Will and Grace. The show is about two life long friends and business partners. One is straight and one is gay. Both are male this time around. Bush plays the girlfriend of the straight guy who is played by David Krumholtz. Krumholtz proposes to Bush’s character. The friend, played by Michael Uri, tries to be supportive, but ends up almost breaking them up.

Deadline Reports that CBS may be putting a hold on their plans for a comedy expansion, since they’ve only pick-up two new half hour series, Partners and Friend Me.

One Tree Hill fans will be happy that Bush is returning to TV next season. She didn’t waste much time securing another role. One Tree Hill just finished last month and she is now moving to a new network and new show.

One Tree Hill, the Last Goodbye

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One Tree Hill said goodbye with its best episode ever. I spent most of the episode in tears.

We got to see one more concert at Trick, one more performance from Haley and Chris Keller and we also got to see a live performance of the One Tree Hill song, “I Don’t Want to Be” by Gavin Degraw.

Mouth gave a tribute to Jimmy Edwards and Keith Scott. Quinn and Clay got married and adopted their son. When Logan said, “mom, are you coming?” to Quinn, I just broke down in tears. This episode couldn’t get more perfect.

We got to see old places like the school hall way and Peyton’s room, even if it was just stage sets. Peyton couldn’t be there for us to say goodbye to, but she was there in spirit. We even got to see Bevin one last time.

Mouth ended up with a beautiful girl and his own sports program, like we always knew he would.

We even got to see Jamie beat Nathan’s high score. We got to see our favorite characters all grown up living life the way they always dreamed of,  Jamie on the basketball team, Karen’s Café and Baker Man right next to each other and Millicent and Mouth expecting a baby. By the looks of it Bevin and Skills even got back together.

Julian’s  dreams came true and he created his own TV series, where the characters can relive their lives every week.

We got to go down memory lane through Trick’s 10th Anniversary. Nathan even found the guitar Chris sold to get Haley’s masters back in season three.

I will miss One Tree Hill so much. It has been a big part of my life for so long. These characters have helped me through so many tough times and I thank them for that. I don’t know what I’m going to do without them.

Every single moment of this episode was perfect. We got to remember nine years of One Tree Hill and say goodbye to all the things we love about One Tree Hill.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Also check out My 10 Favorite One Tree Hill Episodes and Saying Goodbye to One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill Final Season

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So many things are coming together at the close of One Tree Hill. Brooke is getting another company, Mouth is getting his own Sports show, Julian is getting his very own TV series and Clay and Quinn are getting married. A perfect end to a perfect show, but it’s not over quite yet. We have one more episode left.

This season is going by so fast. It feels like just yesterday the season premiere aired and flooded us with all these images of what was going to happen throughout the season.

It’s been an incredible season. We’ve cried, we’ve been on the edge of our seats and we’ve laughed. I will be sad to see it all end next week.

This episode was no exception. Brooke basically had all her dreams come true. She has a company again, her parents are back together and they are a true family. We all knew what her parents were like when she was a teenage, but to hear her words in her dairy really brought me back to the first season. When she was a rebellious teenager. Brooke has come along way since then. I just wish she didn’t have to walk in on her parents having sex to find out they were back together. That was so funny though.

Another great One Tree Hill moment was when Clay proposed to Quinn. The fact that Logan was apart of it and even gave Clay his ring to give to Quinn was amazing.

I thought it was perfect to have the Annual Tree Hill Burning Boat Festival near the end of the series. So much has happened and there is so much I’m sure the characters wish they could forget. Brooke said goodbye to her old self, Chuck said goodbye to his childhood things, Chase said goodbye to being discharged from the Air Force and Haley being Haley got to host the event.

I’m going to soak up all these great moments while I can. Next week we will have to say goodbye to a show that has been with us for nine years.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

Watch a Preview for the Two Hour Series Final:

One Tree Hill Final Season

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You know the writers of One Tree Hill are amazing when they can bring tears to your eyes for the death of Dan Scott. Dan has almost died tons of times. He’s always been able to cheat death, this time he was not so lucky. The episode went down memory lane of every bad thing Dan has ever done and all the ways he almost died.

Dan has always been the character I love to hate. Things were always more interesting when he was in the mix. Over the last few years he has changed. He’s became almost a descent man, he’s Dan Scott he was never going to become a good man. We hated him for taking a way a character we all loved, Keith. We may not remember  him for taking away the beloved character though. We will remember him for one of the best villains on TV. Without Dan Scott, One Tree Hill would have never been the same.

By the looks of it most of Tree Hill has forgiven Dan, except for Lucas, he was never going to forgive him. Did the conversation between Dan and Nathan actually happen? Or was that all in Dan’s head? I know the scenery was in his head, but were the words in his head? I hope Nathan got his chance to say goodbye. He had every right to hate Dan, but that’s no way to feel when losing your father.

We finally know exactly what happened in that hallway all those year ago. I always wondered what was going through Dan’s head when he shot Keith. I’m so happy they brought Keith back for even just tiny bit. Now Dan and Keith can be together like they should have been when they were alive.

It was worth the wait for seeing Haley and Nathan’s reunion. I was upset last week that we didn’t get to see it, but it was well worth the wait.

Only two more episodes left. It’s hard to believe it’s almost over.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.

One Tree Hill Final Season

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Nathan is finally safe, but do we really have to wait for Haley and Nathan’s reunion till next week? Haley’s been a wreck for weeks, couldn’t we have at least seen the reunion.

I was at the edge of me seat the whole episode, between Xavier stalking and attaching Brooke and Dan rescuing Nathan.

We all knew Xavier was going to strike eventually, but I did not expect that Tara would come to the rescue though. I was hoping that she would. Xavier is so stupid. He can’t blame Brooke for being in prison. He’s the one that attacked and kidnapped her and Sam. He put himself in prison and if he just left Brooke alone he probably would stay out of prison, but I do feel better that he’s going back now.

Dan, Chris Keller and Julian aren’t exactly what you would call a good team, but they seemed to make it work. I’m very happy that Chris was brought back for the final season. He always makes me laugh. I never thought he would be good for anything else, but he did play his part in rescuing Nathan. I’m so glad Julian didn’t go home when Dan told him to. If he had gone home Nathan would probably have ended up dead. If Julian and Nathan were not close before, I think this will bring them closer together.

Only three more episodes left and Dan’s life hangs in the balance. At least he’s redeemed himself and might even get Nathan’s forgiveness before he dies.

What did you think of the episode? Leave me a comment.